It’s easy to look at Betty Draper after these 6.5 seasons
and judge her, ridicule her, think of her as a horrible, bitter person and a
terrible mother. All that may be true. But when you start to think that way of
her, I want you to remember this episode, in particular. And I want you to
realize how much of her character’s trajectory is Don’s fault. The scene
between Betty and Jimmy Barrett near the end of “The Gold Violin” is the
culmination of an arc that’s been building since the previous season, when
Betty first discovered Don had been going behind her back to talk to her
psychiatrist. And then there was the scene in the previous episode where Betty
wears her new bathing suit and Don eviscerates her like she’s a child; he may
as well have slapped her in the face, she’s left so emotionally beaten. But
this episode is where it all comes together. It may take another season and a
half to become official, but the Draper marriage ended right here, when Jimmy
points out so casually how he knows his wife and Don are having an affair.
Betty may have had suspicions before, but she can’t deny what’s right in front her
face, while she and Jimmy sit “at the kids’ table,” as he calls it. Don was a terrible
husband to Betty, much worse than she ever was a bad wife to him. It was his
job to love her and protect her and to build her up, and instead he destroyed
her, leaving her nothing but a broken, shallow, callous shell of a woman.
So that’s the end of “The Gold Violin.” What comes before is
one of the best episodes of the entire series, especially for one that doesn’t
focus on a central event (not to mention almost no lines for Peggy and not even
a sighting of Pete). The first half seems to be comprised entirely of wonderful
lines that twine into brilliant scenes. From Jane leading a stealth mission
into Cooper’s office, to Don buying his new Cadillac, to Ken’s dinner at the
Romano household. We even get an ever-so-brief flashback introduction to the
real Donald Draper’s real wife, Anna. It’s a perfect midseason character study
(a “Mad Men” staple) that goes from laugh-out-loud funny to heartbreaking over
the course of just 46 minutes.
Best Scene: The
aforementioned party to celebrate Jimmy getting his “Grin and Barrett” show
picked up, where he first confronts Betty and then Don about the affair.
Patrick Fischler (Jimmy) should’ve won an Emmy for this piece of work alone.
Best Line: Jimmy
to Betty: “All I know is, I know her and you know him, and there they are, and
they don’t care where we are.”
Grade: A+
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