Monday, February 15, 2010

CD Collection: A Review

I've been house-bound for more than a week thanks to the blizzard of the century and its nasty little brother. So, with time on my hands, I took a long look at my CD collection, and realized there are many discs I either have hardly ever listened to or others I haven't put in the player for years (like, a decade or more).

That's gonna change.

Beginning tomorrow, I will start posting a "CD of the Day"—a brief review for one of the discs in my collection. My goal is to listen to at least one new album a day, with particular focus on those I haven't heard in a while—or ever.

I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this up. My buddy just did the same thing with his collection, and by his near daily updates I know it can get brutal when you hit those … questionable choices. Obviously going through the whole rack will take more than two years. We shall see if I make it that long.

Regardless, I'm excited to knock the dust off a bunch of those plastic cases. See you tomorrow.

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