How much credit does Billy Corgan get for effort alone? To say not all of the 28 tracks on this epic double disc are of equal caliber is almost a given, considering the scope of this project. More amazing, though, is how many of those 28 are so, so good.
“Mellon Collie” gives you everything. Of course there are the big hits: “Bullet with Butterfly Wings,” “1979,” “Thirty-three,” “Zero,” “Tonight, Tonight,” and “Muzzle.” Then there are the heavy rockers like “Jellybelly,” “An Ode to No One,” and “Tales of a Scorched Earth,” to name a few. How about massive concertos of grandeur and excess a la Led Zeppelin? I give you “Porcelina of the Vast Oceans” and “Thru the Eyes of Ruby.” Pop rock, ballads … they’re here, too.
The set finally starts to bog down as it nears the end: The stretch from “X.Y.U.” through “By Starlight” isn’t much. But, in answer to my original question, I choose to overlook this section based on all that came before.
Grade: A-
Favorite Track: “Muzzle”
Least Favorite Track: “X.Y.U.”
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